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I Ching - LiuYao Divination – A Link Across Time and Space

The 《I Ching》 is an ancient Chinese book of philosophy and divination that predicts future fortunes and misfortunes. “Divination” involves predicting the development of future events, and the 《I Ching》 summarizes the principles and theories behind these predictions. The fundamental concept of the 《I Ching》 is the 《Bagua(Eight Trigrams), which represent all natural phenomena in both their dynamic and static states. Each hexagram is composed of three lines. 《LiuYao Divination》 is a method recorded in the 《I Ching》, based on ancient observations of natural patterns, used to identify the corresponding sixty-four hexagrams.

Watch the video to quickly learn the Liu Yao divination method

Detailed explanation of Liu Yao divination

Exploring the Possibility of Predicting the Future

Before we begin, let’s discuss why predicting the future is considered possible. In the article What is luck? What is "Qi"? How can we change our fortune? , it is mentioned that quantum entanglement confirms a connection that can link the states of two particles across both space and time. Therefore, regardless of where you are in the future or what happens, there must be some connection between that event and the present you. The 《I Ching》 attempts to find the patterns in such connections.

Although we don’t yet know how these connections are formed, this doesn’t prevent us from utilizing them. Just as in the past, when humans didn’t know how fire was created, it didn’t stop them from using it to cook meat.

The I Ching and the Bagua(Eight Trigrams)

A well-known saying in the I Ching is: “The Void (wuji) produces the Absolute (taiji). The taiji produces two forms (namely Yin and Yang). The two forms produces four phenomena: Lesser Yang, Greater Yang (taiyang also means ‘sun’), Lesser Yin, and Greater Yin (taiyin also means ‘moon’). The four phenomena produces the Bagua(eight trigrams), which generate all things.”

The Void (wuji) produces the Absolute (taiji)

Wu Ji represents nothingness, while Tai Ji represents existence. Wu Ji can be understood as the state of the universe before it was formed, while Tai Ji represents the entire universe. The universe evolves from nothingness to existence, constantly expanding and eventually self-destructing back into nothingness. This reflects the idea that when anything reaches an extreme, it is bound to change.

To make this easier to understand later, let’s use the example of a coin that appears from nothing.

The taiji produces two forms (namely Yin and Yang)

All things in the universe have two sides: Yin and Yang, right and wrong, male and female, good and bad. In the 《I Ching》, 《Yin》 is represented by “⚋” and 《Yang》 by “⚊”.

A coin has two sides: a face with a number (Yin, marked as 1) and a blank back (Yang, marked as 0). This is opposite to real-life records, as the 《I Ching》 considers “nothingness” to be closest to birth when Yang energy is at its strongest, so 0 represents Yang.

The two forms produces four phenomena

Although everything has two sides, some things have more positive aspects, while others have more negative aspects. In the 《I Ching》, things are further classified into:

Extreme Yin: Yin-Yin-Yin, represented by the symbol “
Lesser Yang: Yin-Yin-Yang (more Yin, less Yang; less good, more bad), represented by the symbol “⚊”
Lesser Yin: Yin-Yang-Yang (more Yang, less Yin; more good, less bad), represented by the symbol “
Extreme Yang: Yang-Yang-Yang, represented by the symbol “⚊*”

These are the four phenomena.

Take three coins and toss them at the same time. After they spin and naturally stop, there will be four possible results.

All heads (three 1s): 111, summing to 3, represents Extreme Yin “⚋* ”.
Two heads and one tail: 110, summing to 2, represents Lesser Yang “⚊”.
One head and two tails: 100, summing to 1, represents Lesser Yin “⚋”.
No heads, all tails: 000, summing to 0, represents Extreme Yang “⚊*”.

- 110, 101, and 011 all sum to 2 and represent Lesser Yang, with a probability of 3/8. - 110, 101, and 011 all sum to 2 and represent Lesser Yang, with a probability of 3/8. - 100, 010, and 001 all sum to 1 and represent Lesser Yin, with a probability of 3/8. - 111 and 000 have a probability of 1/8 each. This reflects the natural law that extreme situations are rare.

In the《 I Ching》, the lines that make up Yin and Yang are called Yao. For example, “⚊” is called a Yang Yao, while “” is called a Yin Yao.


The four phenomena produces the Bagua(eight trigrams)

As mentioned earlier, a trigram consists of three Yao, and these Yao can be either Yang or Yin, resulting in 3 combinations, which form the Eight Trigrams.

natural symbol
Qian (qián)
Heaven, the opposite of Earth
Dui (duì)
Lake, the opposite of Mountain
Li (lí)
Fire, the opposite of Water
Zhen (zhèn)
Thunder, the opposite of Wind
Xun (xùn)
Wind, the opposite of Thunder
Kan (kǎn)
Water, the opposite of Fire
Gen (gèn)
Mountain, the opposite of Lake
Kun (kūn)
Earth, the opposite of Heaven

Bagua generates all things

The Bagua(Eight Trigrams) form the basis of many applications in the 《I Ching》, with many rules and methods extending from them. One common method for predicting the future is the LiuYao Divination (Hexagram Divination).

LiuYao Divination (Hexagram Divination)

You may have noticed that the numbers in the previous explanation are all binary: 2^0 = 1, 2^1 = 2, 2^2 = 4, 2^3 = 8. One Yao corresponds to the Four phenomena, three Yao correspond to the Eight Trigrams, and six Yao correspond to the 64 Hexagrams. With the changes in hexagrams, there are a total of 64 x 64 = 4,096 combinations, written as “111111111111” in binary, a 12-digit binary code.

In computing, all information is stored in binary form, such as:

Your bank deposits
Your height and weight
The coordinates of your company
Your purchase on Amazon on a specific date and time for a certain amount

With a 3D printer, you can even print an object encoded with its binary code. Information about the human body is also stored in DNA in an encoded form, although humans currently don’t the ability to decode DNA.

LiuYao Divination (Hexagram Divination) helps you find the code that connects you and the matter you want to predict and decodes this code into a human-readable language.

Preparation Stage

Prepare three identical one euro coins.

Get ready with the question you want to predict.

The question should be as specific as possible. For example, you are considering going to Vietnam to find a supplier, as your current supplier has raised prices, increasing your product costs. Going to Vietnam might reduce costs earlier, but since it’s a rushed decision, you might not find a suitable supplier there, wasting time. You are hesitating whether to go to Vietnam now or contact a few suppliers online first and then go after negotiations. If you ask, “Should I go to Vietnam to find a supplier?” the answer is likely to be “yes” because if you don’t go now, you will eventually have to go later. However, if you ask, “Should I go to Vietnam to find a supplier this month?” the answer will be more relevant to your current situation.

Starting the Divination

In your mind, silently repeat the question you want to ask to establish a connection between you and the matter.
Shake the three coins in both hands and then toss them. Record the result of the heads and tails. This forms one line (Yao).
Repeat step 2 five more times to get a total of six lines (Yao).
Draw the six lines in order from bottom to top, which will give you one of the 64 hexagrams.

One of the 64 Hexagrams, “Waiting”

In this example, we get the “Waiting” Hexagram out of the 64 Hexagrams. Each hexagram in the 64 has interpretations related to business, marriage, decision-making, seeking fame, etc. Continuing with the example of “going to Vietnam to find a supplier,” the “Waiting” Hexagram’s prediction for business is:

Business: In the beginning, the situation is challenging. You must exercise great patience, create conditions and opportunities, act with integrity, observe changes, and wait for the right moment to achieve your goals. When you are close to success, be extra cautious to avoid any last-minute failures.

Transformed hexagram

The hexagram you obtained initially is called the “Primary Hexagram,” representing the current prediction. However, sometimes the development of things is not fixed. A “Transformed Hexagram” represents the possible changes in future events. Not all predictions have a Transformed Hexagram; only when there is at least one “Extreme Yang” (000) or one “Extreme Yin” (111) will a Transformed Hexagram occur. When “Extreme Yang” appears, it changes to Yin, and when “Extreme Yin” appears, it changes to Yang. The hexagram after these changes is the “Transformed Hexagram.”

In the example above, we need to change the first line (1st) from Extreme Yang to Yin, and the sixth line (6th) from Extreme Yin to Yang, resulting in the Transformed Hexagram shown below.

Tranformed Hexagram

This is the “Ground” Hexagram, and its explanation for business is:

Business: The market competition is fierce, and the risks are high. Business activities must be conducted with utmost caution, adhering to business ethics. Treat competitors, colleagues, and customers with humility, and you will certainly gain benefits.

After considering the predictions from the LiuYao Hexagram (Hexagram Divination), would you decide to go to Vietnam immediately to find a supplier?

Why are the results different when you perform two hexagram divinations for the same matter?

Firstly, the more you believe in the connection between yourself and the moment you’re predicting, the stronger your mental focus will be, and the more accurate the prediction will become. It is not recommended to perform a second divination for something that has already been predicted. Even if all conditions remain the same as in the first divination, the second attempt introduces an element of ‘doubt’ about the first divination. This doubt can weaken your mental focus.

Hexagram Divination contains 64 hexagrams, and with the addition of Transformed Hexagrams, there are also 64 hexagrams, resulting in a total of 4,096 possibilities. You can find explanations for all 64 hexagrams at the link below.

64 Hexagram List Link (todo)

It is not the LiuYao divination that creates the connection between you and the event being predicted, nor the hexagram itself. Whether or not LiuYao divination is used, the hexagram already exists. LiuYao divination is merely one way to find the corresponding hexagram. The 《I Ching》 also mentions other methods that can be used when coins are not available.

If you have an important goal you want to achieve, it is suggested to create a bracelet with the result of your Hexagram Divination and wear it with you.

If you don’t have any coins on hand, you can try our online LiuYao divination program ( in the Numerology Bracelet purchase page ) LiuYao divination program - Numerology Bracelet

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