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Interpretation of the 64 I Ching Hexagrams - LiuYao Divination

A deep analysis of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, with a detailed guide on how to interpret the hexagrams, combined with practical examples from Liu Yao divination. This will help you better understand and apply the wisdom of the I Ching.


Since this article involves many concepts, if you're not yet familiar with concepts like Bagua (Eight Trigrams) and the Five Elements, it's recommended that you first explore the following:

Understand what the Five Elements are: Four Pillars of Destiny and the Five Elements
Learn about the I Ching's Bagua: What is Ba Gua(Hexagrams,eight trigrams)?
Understand what Liu Yao Divination is: I Ching - LiuYao Divination – A Link Across Time and Space

Understanding the Hexagram Texts

After performing a Liu Yao divination, two hexagrams will be obtained: the Primary Hexagram and the Transformed Hexagram. If there are no changes in the lines, only the Primary Hexagram is considered, though this is rare.

Each hexagram conveys a primary meaning that determines the basic auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of the divination, generally classified into five levels:

Great Fortune > Fortune > Neutral (Not Auspicious or Inauspicious) > Misfortune > Great Misfortune

However, this is not absolute, as each hexagram consists of 6 lines, and each line has its own supplementary explanation.

For example, with Hexagram 56 - "Sojourning":

Hexagram Text: The traveler constantly changes his place of residence, indicating that everything is in flux, and the situation is very unclear, which can be quite troubling.

Hexagram 56, "Sojourning" does not refer to traveling for leisure but rather to doing business abroad or fleeing from danger. It also carries the meaning of running away from home or separation. It indicates small misfortune.

However, the fortune is not absolute. If it refers to separation from family or friends, it can be considered a small misfortune. If it refers to a child growing up and leaving home to explore the world, it may be a small fortune.

Later interpretations provided more detailed explanations for this hexagram:

Illness: The condition is unstable, seek medical attention immediately.
Financial turnover: Small amounts are manageable, but large amounts are not.
Business transactions: Likely to encounter difficulties, the deal may not succeed.
Waiting for someone: The person may change their mind and not come.
Searching for someone: The person has distanced themselves due to emotional distress, making them hard to find.
Lost items: Look for them quickly, as they may still be recovered.
Traveling: Very smooth, and frequent travel is indicated.
Exams: The results will be poor.
Lawsuit: Act swiftly; delays will be disadvantageous.
Asking for help: Efforts will be in vain.
Changing careers: Unfavorable.
Starting a business: Bad timing for opening a business.
Love: The relationship is unstable, like walking alone; self-reflection is necessary.
Marriage: Unfavorable.
Travel: Possible.

For simple divination predictions, understanding the texts of the Primary and transformed Hexagrams can give a rough idea of the outcome of the inquiry.

Determining the Position of Yao

This section will analyze each of the six lines (Yao) in detail. It may be somewhat complex, and understanding the specifics of a divination requires great patience.

A hexagram consists of 6 Yao (continuous or broken), and each yao has its own Yao Text. The text can refer to specific people or situations. See the example below :

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Determining the Significator Yao and Receptor Yao

The positions of the Significator Yao and Receptor Yao differ in each hexagram. You can find their specific locations in each hexagram diagram.

Significator Yao: The yao corresponding to the icon pointing inward (towards the door).
It represents oneself, the person asking for the divination, or the main subject of the inquiry.
For example, in Hexagram 56 - Sojourning, the Significator Yao is the first line from the bottom, "56.1."
Receptor Yao: The yao corresponding to the icon pointing outward.
It represents others, external factors, the counterpart, or the corresponding issue.
For example, in Hexagram 56 - Sojourning, the Receptor Yao is the fourth line, "56.4."

For instance, if you're divining "Will I pass the accounting exam?":

The Significator Yao represents me, and its corresponding Yao Text speaks to my personal condition.
The Receptor Yao represents the exam, and its corresponding Yao Text speaks to the difficulty of the exam or the environment.
Whether or not I pass the exam is represented by the Event Yao, which is discussed further below.

My personal state could be poor, and the exam could be difficult, but I may still pass. There is a connection between the two, but each yao has its own specific interpretation of fortune or misfortune.

Determining the Event Yao

Identify the yao corresponding to the matter being divined.

here are five main categories of events: ParentsWife & WealthSiblingsOffspring, and Ghost & Officials. Each of the 6 Yao in a hexagram corresponds to one of these categories. You simply need to find the Yao that matches the type of event you are divining.

Used when divining about parents, elders, one’s hometown, house, daily necessities, work tools, company, documents, contracts, and all people or things that assist you.
Wife & Wealth
Used when divining about one's wife, brothers’ wives, wealth (gold, silver, money, grain, goods), and all people or things under your control.
Used when divining about siblings, your wife's siblings, brothers-in-law, close friends, or sworn brothers.
Used when divining about sons, grandsons, sons-in-law, nephews, disciples, students, doctors, medicine, monks, nuns, livestock, subordinates, and law enforcement.
Ghost & Officials
Used when divining about career, promotion, reputation, academic pursuits, superiors, legal issues, doubts, worries, illnesses, natural disasters, and anything that restricts you.
For example, if a government official asks whether they will get promoted, the Ghost & Officials Yao should be selected because this represents their main career. However, if this same official invests in a restaurant and asks whether the restaurant will make money, the Wife & Wealth Yao should be selected, since this relates to their pursuit of wealth. But if a restaurant owner asks the same question about their restaurant, the Ghost & Officials Yao would be selected because the restaurant is their main career.
If the corresponding event type is not found in the hexagram, search in the corresponding root hexagram (palace ).

For example, if you are divining about your career and looking for the Ghost & Officials Yao, but Hexagram 56 (Sojourning) doesn’t contain this yao, you should search for it in Hexagram 30 - Radiance, which corresponds to the Radiance Palace. In Hexagram 30, the Ghost & Officials Yao is "30.3", so in Hexagram 56, the corresponding event yao would be "56.3".

In this case, when analyzing the relationship between the lines (Yao), it is necessary to consider the intermediate Yao. For example, if the actual event Yao is 30.3, when analyzing the interaction of attributes, the 30.3 line is analyzed in relation to other Yao through the 56.3 Yao.

Heaven Palace:Hexagram 1 - Creative

Earth Palace:Hexagram 2 - Receptive

Water Palace:Hexagram 29 - Gorge

Fire Palace:Hexagram 30 - Fire

Thunder Palace:Hexagram 51 - Shake

Mountain Palace:Hexagram 52 - Bound

Wind Palace:Hexagram 57 - Ground

Lake Palace:Hexagram 58 - Joy

If there are two corresponding yao for the event, follow these steps:
If one of the yao is a transformed line (marked with an *), this yao is the event yao.
If neither is transformed, choose the yao closest to the Significator Yao or Receptor Yao.

Specific Example

A government official performs a divination to ask whether his investment in a restaurant will be profitable. The result is shown in the diagram above: Primary Hexagram → Hexagram 56 - Sojourning, Transformed Hexagram → Hexagram 30 - Radiance. Using the method described earlier, from the Primary Hexagram, we get:

Event Yao (seeking wealth, profit, Wife & Wealth Yao, choose the yao closest to the Significator or Receptor Yao): 56.4, Metal
Significator Yao (self): 56.1, Earth
Receptor Yao (the restaurant): 56.4, Metal

At this point, the determination of the position of yao is complete. The next step is to explain how to interpret the hexagram.

Interpreting the Hexagram - Understanding the Yao Texts

We analyze the divination result from three perspectives: the event itself, the relationships of production and restriction between elements, and the changes in the situation. Continuing with the previous example, let’s first look at the Yao Texts for each of the 6 yao in Hexagram 56 - Sojourning (read from bottom to top) to see what story they tell:

56.6 Translation (Misfortune): The traveler sees a bird’s nest on a tree catch fire. At first, he is happy, but soon after he starts crying, realizing that, like the bird, he has no permanent home and has lost his possessions.
This yao indicates that things may start well but end badly, with initial gain followed by loss.
56.5 Translation (Fortune): The traveler goes to the mountains to hunt pheasants for selling them at the market later. Although he hits a pheasant with a single shot, the pheasant falls somewhere he cannot find. He loses an arrow, but his exceptional archery skills are recognized, earning him praise and rewards from the king.
This yao indicates that help from others will lead to success in one's endeavors.
56.4 Translation (Misfortune): The traveler returns to his lodging with some earnings but feels it is not a suitable place to stay. He fears being robbed and feels unsettled.
This yao suggests that while those traveling will achieve some success, there will be troubles or anxieties. Merchants may profit, but issues will arise.
56.3 Translation (Misfortune): The traveler takes the servant to the market to do business, but the market catches fire, damaging his goods. His business fails, and the servant runs away amid the chaos.
This yao indicates a downturn in fortune with multiple disasters. Officials may face the risk of losing their position.
56.2 Translation (Fortune): The traveler arrives at the market, carrying wealth, and buys a servant. The servant is diligent, which turns out to be a fortunate event.
This yao suggests a change in luck for the better, with success in one's endeavors. Officials will enjoy prominence.
56.1 Translation (Misfortune): The traveler is indecisive and hesitant, eventually leaving his lodging, only to encounter unfortunate events.
This yao indicates bad luck and warns of potential misfortunes.

Understanding the Matter Itself

Event Yao - 56.4

Based on the Yao Text, it can be understood that for the divined matter: the restaurant can make some money, but it doesn’t ease the official’s unease.

Extra topic: If the official’s divination question were “Should I open the restaurant with my brother?”, then the question is not “Will it be profitable?”, but “Should I partner with my brother?”. In this case, the event yao should be the Siblings Yao, which is 56.2. Based on the Yao Text, it can be understood that for the divined matter: opening the restaurant would result in having a good helper. However, if the question is changed, and the official performs a new divination, the result may not be the same (Hexagram 56 - Sojourning). Therefore, nothing is absolute.

Significator Yao - 56.1

Based on the Yao Text, it can be understood that for “me”: the official is hesitant about opening the restaurant. Although unsure about the profits, they eventually decide to invest in the restaurant.

Receptor Yao - 56.4

Based on the Yao Text, it can be understood that for “the restaurant”: this restaurant might not do well due to factors like “location,” “menu,” or “chef.” It will make some money, but not much.

The Event Yao and the Receptor Yao are in the same position (both 56.4), which indicates that for the matter of whether the restaurant will make money, the main determining factor lies within the restaurant itself, rather than something that I can change through my own efforts.

The Productive and Restrictive Relationships of the Matter

Each of the six yao has its own Five Elements attribute. Identify all the productive and restrictive relationships.

In the Five Elements theory, there are five types of relationships of mutual generation and control:
Irrelevant: No generating or controlling relationship between the two elements. For example, fire and fire.
Generates me: The other element benefits and promotes my growth. For example, wood generates fire.
inhibits me: The other element harms, restricts, or weakens me. For example, water controls fire.
I generate: I contribute to and support the other element.
I inhibit: I harm or restrict the other element.

For instance, in the example above, I represent Earth, and the restaurant represents Metal. I contribute to the restaurant (since I need to invest), but the restaurant does not benefit me.


Significator Yao (Earth) ✅ → Event Yao (Metal)
Significator Yao (Earth) ✅ → Receptor Yao (Metal)



This can be understood as:

The official is helpful in making the restaurant profitable (financial support), and the official is helpful in operating the restaurant (effort). However, there are no factors that benefit the official directly.

The Changes in the Matter

In the divination result, it indicates that Yao 56.1 of Hexagram 56 - Sojourning has the potential to change into Yao 30.1of Hexagram 30 - Radiance. Let’s first look at the Hexagram Text of Hexagram 30 - Radiance and the Yao Text for Yao 30.1.

Hexagram 30 - Radiance Hexagram Text::

Those who are humble, cautious, and advance steadily will have a bright future. Those who act hastily and impulsively will suffer losses.

30.6 Translation (Fortune): The king goes on an expedition, retaliates against the enemy, beheads the enemy king, captures many prisoners, and achieves a great victory.
This yao indicates good fortune, with many happy events. Wealth and fame can both be achieved.
30.5 Translation (Neutral): After the disaster, the people receive the king's help. Although things begin to improve, they still mourn their losses.
This yao suggests that one should take time to rest and recover.
30.4 Translation (Misfortune): Disaster strikes suddenly; the enemy burns down houses and kills people on sight, turning the place into ruins.
This yao indicates bad luck, filled with difficulties, conflicts with elders, or legal troubles.
30.3 Translation (Misfortune): A blood-red sky appears at dusk, and yet people do not beat the drums or chant to dispel it. Elders feel sorrow, and disaster looms near.
This yao suggests that joy may turn into sorrow, and fortune into misfortune, with constant dangers.
30.2 Translation (Fortune): A yellow rainbow appears in the sky, a great sign of good fortune.
This yao indicates the potential to gain wealth and fame.
30.1 Translation (Neutral): Hearing the sound of chaotic footsteps, one should immediately be alert and prepare, as disaster can be avoided.
This yao advises caution and vigilance to prevent unnecessary misfortune.

First, the change from Yao 56.1 (Misfortune) to Yao 30.1 (Neutral) is a good sign, as it indicates the avoidance of potential misfortune. However, one must pay attention to subtle signs of change around them.

Next, since Yao 56.1 is the Significator Yao, representing “me,” it shows that the official should make personal changes and act with caution and care.

Finally, the relationship between Yao 30.1 (Wood) ❌ → Yao 56.1 (Earth) shows that making this change will be difficult for the official.

The Concept of Activation Activation refers to whether or not a change occurs. For example, in the case of Yao 56.1 (Misfortune) changing to Yao 30.1, if the yao is not activated, even though there is a transformed hexagram, the change will not take place. Additionally, activation can be either easy or difficult, depending primarily on the productive or restrictive relationship between the corresponding yao in the transformed hexagram and the primary hexagram. A change occurring is not necessarily good or bad; it simply means that the development of the matter has resulted in a different outcome.

Primary Hexagram Divination Result

Although the official’s investment in the restaurant can make some money, since it is a side business, the numerous trivial matters of running the restaurant leave the official exhausted, making it not worth the effort. If the official hopes for the restaurant to earn more money, he would need to dedicate more time and energy, and handle the restaurant's affairs with caution and care.

Transformed Hexagram Interpretation

The primary hexagram represents the current situation, for example, the official is currently still an official, with their main career as a civil servant and a side investment in a restaurant.

The transformed hexagram predicts the future of the situation and represents a process of change. Since changes take time, unless the event yao itself has undergone a transformation, we rarely focus directly on the event yao within the transformed hexagram.

Suppose the official initiates a change by dedicating more time and effort to managing the restaurant, gradually making it their primary business. At that point, the event yao should be selected as the Ghost & Officials Yao. However, as mentioned earlier, this is a long process, and it is difficult to pinpoint exactly when the restaurant becomes the official’s main business. We only know that, in the end, the restaurant will eventually become the official’s primary career.

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Thus, from the transformed hexagram — Hexagram 30 - Radiance, we get:

Event Yao: 30.3 Ghost & Officials (Water), or 30.4 Wife & Wealth (Metal)
Significator Yao (Self): 30.6, Fire
Receptor Yao (Restaurant): 30.3, Water

Productive Relationships: None

Restrictive Relationships:Receptor Yao(water) ❌→ Significator Yao(fire)

This indicates that running the restaurant is an extremely difficult task for the official.

Event Yao - 30.3, 30.4

Facing difficulties, with the possibility of losing the official position.

Receptor Yao - 30.3

Encountering disaster, with the restaurant nearly failing.

Significator Yao - 30.6

Eventually, obtaining a large amount of wealth.

Although we can still break down the predictions for each yao, as mentioned before, change is a long process and should be understood as part of a transformation. This means understanding the entire process of change from 30.1 to 30.6.

Transformed Hexagram Divination Result

The official dedicates more time and energy to managing the restaurant (30.1). The restaurant starts to improve, and revenue begins to increase (30.2). However, due to the excessive focus on the restaurant, the official is unable to fulfill his duties, and both the official's primary job and side business are threatened (30.3). The restaurant faces many competitors, and the official is forced to invest even more time in managing it, eventually losing their civil servant position and turning the restaurant into their primary career (30.4). Thanks to the official’s persistent efforts, they meet someone who offers help (30.5), (possibly an investor or a skilled chef). As a result, the restaurant survives and beats the competition, bringing in significant wealth (30.6).

Although the official initiated the change, saved the restaurant, and gained substantial wealth, they lost their civil servant position. Therefore, the outcome of change is not always purely good or bad. Moreover, the transformed hexagram predicts a possible future, not a guaranteed result. The official could still lose in the competition. Since the primary focus of the divination has changed, the divination should not be based on events that have not yet occurred.


This article only discusses a simple method for interpreting Liu Yao divination. In reality, factors such as the timing of events, the location of the restaurant, and the Five Elements attributes of the official can all affect the divination’s outcome. This is commonly referred to as the concept of “Heaven’s timing, Earth’s advantage, and Human harmony.”

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