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Numerology Bracelet

Numerology Bracelet

Product Type

Customized Numerology Bracelet in Natural Stones/Gems: Made to reflect your specific wish, crafted based on LiuYao Divination results

Jade, Silver Sheen Obsidian, Basic: Yellow Tiger Eye, Blue Tiger Eye, Dark Green Nephrite, Pezzottaite (Raspberry), Tanzberry Quartz, Amazonite, Aquamarine, White Agate



Product Description:

If you are uncertain about a particular future event and wish to seek guidance through divination, this bracelet is designed to help enhance your intentions and positive energy. Using the Liu Yao Divination, you will receive a Primary Hexagram (predicting the current situation’s outlook on the future) and a Transformed Hexagram (indicating possible future changes). Each hexagram consists of two Bagua (trigrams), represented by two types of stones or gemstones, resulting in four different types of stones/gemstones. Each stone appears twice, forming a total of 8 primary beads for your bracelet.


The Divination Bracelet is composed of 10mm main stones/gemstones, chosen according to the results of the Liu Yao Divination, along with a central 12-13mm jade bead. Additional black beads (representing the moon and yin energy) are included to complete the bracelet’s length.

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