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Birthstone Bracelet|EveryThé Superior|Birthday Gift

Birthstone Bracelet|EveryThé Superior|Birthday Gift

Product Type

A personalized birthstone bracelet designed according to the wearer's birth date, making it a perfect birthday gift for family, friends, or loved ones.

Superior(Jade, Tiger’s Eye, Amazonite, Strawberry Quartz, Green Strawberry Quartz, Green Hetian Jade)



Design Concept

This unique birthstone bracelet is crafted based on the wearer’s birth date, incorporating the Ba Zi and Five Elements principles. Each bead represents a natural element, symbolizing harmony and balance in the universe, bringing positive energy and good fortune to the wearer.

💎 Product Specifications

  • Main Beads (8 pieces): Each bead represents a different Five Elements attribute, composed of high-quality gemstones that bring natural energy and beautiful colors.
  • Main Gemstone: A premium jade bead of 12-13mm diameter, symbolizing peace and prosperity.
  • White Hetian Jade Beads: These form the main body of the bracelet, symbolizing purity and harmony.

🪐 Five Elements Alignment

Each bead in the bracelet is carefully selected to reflect the balanced Five Elements in the Ba Zi, bringing luck and protection to the wearer.

  • Tiger's Eye (Metal Element) 🧺: Provides stability and balance, enhancing focus.
  • Green Hetian Jade (Earth Element) 🌍: Represents vitality and growth, promoting harmonious relationships.
  • Strawberry Quartz (Fire Element) 🔥: Stimulates passion and energy, boosting confidence.
  • Green Strawberry Quartz (Wood Element) 🌳: Helps stabilize emotions, bringing inner peace.
  • Amazonite (Water Element) 💧: Imparts hope and confidence, aiding clarity and tranquility.
  • Birthstone Bracelet
    Everythé Logo

    Natural gemstone bracelets, designed based on the principles of the zodiac, birthdays, and numerology, to bring good luck and prosperity.

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